Completed Projects

Durham Scout Center Parking Lot
May 2023
Asphalt repair for the main lot including to fix areas and full lot sealcoat. Future repairs to driveway to service lot in back.
20230521 092239 20230521 092213
Camp Cedars Millard Lodge Siding
April 2023
New siding throughout exterior and new windows on main floor.
20230427 151822 20230427 152001
Camp Cedars Dining Hall Painting
May 2023
Exterior painting and replaced rotten wood around upper windows.
20230522 125409 20230522 125229
Camp Cedars Security Gates
May 2023
Main gate, Heritage entrance, and pool gate are replaced with
20230508 133808 20230518 151657
New Bunk Beds & Mattresses
June 2023
All replaced at Camp Cedars and Camp Eagle for rental groups and staff housing.
20230731 142454
10 Staff & Rental Bunk Houses
June 2023
14 ft x 24 ft cabins housing up to 8 people with AC and heat in each cabin located by existing shower and bathroom facilities.
20230508 134250 20230731 142425
Heritage Lodge Addition
October 2023
Addition of four bedrooms to sleep up to 38 people in a total of six bedrooms.
20240315 131314 20231218 125345
Bekins Shower House
September 2024
Individually stalled bathrooms and showers next to the Bekins Pool with a laundry room. 12 total stalls with 8 of those including showers.
IMG 1396 Shower