Camp Cedars – 2898 Tom Lee Rd, Cedar Bluffs, NE 68015

Camp Resources

Camp Cedars Map
Reserve Camp Cedars Facility

Camp Contacts

Noah Morocco, Camp Ranger

Member Services
402-431-9BSA (9272)

Twelve campsites provide 264 permanent tent platforms, including the Armstrong McDonald wheelchair-accessible campsite, for Scouts and leaders. This camp currently have five FEMA rated storm shelters for inclement weather.

IMG 0921 Karp pavillion IMG 9210
Heritage Lodge Karp Pavilion & Lodge Huntel Dining Lodge
IMG 4548 IMG 2462 6 12 17 2538 (1)
Bekins Pool Protzman Arena Storz Tower
6 13 17 2229 6 14 17 0276 IMG 9200
Lakefront Scott COPE Course Rotary Pavilion