Youth experience Scouting in packs, troops, crews, teams, and posts. The healthier the unit, the more wonderful things will happen for these youth involved in Scouting. To help make this occur, Scouting America provides a program of unit service through adult Scouters specifically commissioned to help chartered organizations and unit leaders to achieve the aims of Scouting by using the methods of Scouting.
These commissioned Scouters wear a shoulder patch with a wreath surrounding the Scout symbol. Commissioner Service is the organization within Scouting that provides a program of unit service. Because of the importance of unit service to the successful delivery of the Scouting program, you will find Commissioners at every level of Scouting. And all of these Commissioners are there as a team to help assure that individual Scouts get the best possible program.
At the national level, Scouting America has a National Commissioner. Similarly, each Council has a Council Commissioner and Assistant Council Commissioners. However, it is at the district level that you will find more than 95% of Scouting Commissioners serving as District, Assistant District, Roundtable, and Unit Commissioners.