Pack Resources
School Presence:
Start with a strong Back to School booth. Most importantly, be sure to have a paper interest form or an electronic option to capture contact information. Consider having a laptop looping the Camping Promotional Video or a Cub Scout brochure. Next, be sure flyers are distributed through your school(s). Electronic Versions are available for schools that only allow that option. Youth Talks are also a great way to get students excited about Scouting! Your District Executive can help you arrange these.
Sign Up Event:
Follow an Open House Rotational Model format for your event (diagram). Youth should be encouraged to participate in an activity they can easily join and leave anytime such as water rockets, rubber band guns and raingutter regattas – all available for use at Be sure to give every parent a welcome folder with these important flyers:
Pack Calendar
Scout Shop Flyer
Parent Guide
Youth Application
Payment Form
Parent Meeting:
These should occur within 2 weeks of your Sign Up Event and should be separate than your Popcorn Meeting. Introduce the key leadership and provide information about your Pack similar to this Sample Pack Brochure. Be sure new families know about the upcoming events such as First Camp and Cub Haunted Weekend.
Recruit Volunteers:
The parent meeting is the first step to recruiting adults. Utilize the 100 Point Adult Participation Form to identify parent’s skills and interests and where they might fit best on the Committee. Refer to the Parent Engagement portion of the Membership Playbook for more tips and tricks on recruiting adults.