Thanks to the Scouts and leadership of Troop 366, Camp Cedars has its very own permanent orienteering course! The course consists of nearly 50 different points throughout camp that will help Scouts complete rank requirements and the Orienteering Merit Badge. Scouts can use the course while at summer camp, while visiting Camp Cedars, or on a unit campout or as a day visitor.

The orienteering course starts at the course map located in the Scoutcraft area. Units can check out additional maps, compasses, and protractors from the Camp Ranger team during the off season, or the Scoutcraft staff during summer camp. Course points within program areas or campsites will be off limits during the summer camp season unless permission is granted by the area director or troop leadership of the troop staying in the campsite.

Orienteering Map Overview
Camp Cedars Topo Map
Orienteering Points (master sheet)
Trooper Code