Goals For Service Hours

Each pack, troop and crew is encouraged to participate in service projects, with one benefiting your chartering organization. Bronze, Silver and Gold levels can be attained for all.


VIDEO TUTORIAL – Internet Advancement Activity Logs

Tracking the progress of unit members in the following activities is made fun and simple with the Activities module in Internet Advancement. Best of all – Any service hours recorded in Internet Advancement feed directly into Journey To Excellence (JTE).

  • Campouts – Days, Nights, Frost Points
  • Hikes – Miles, Elevation Change
  • Long Cruises (Sea Scouts) – Days, Miles
  • Service Projects – Hours

Do I still need to record hours in the Good Turn For America platform (servicehours.scouting.org)?
NOPE! All your unit service hours will be recorded in Internet Advancement. Furthermore, all Good Turn for America service hours entries, except Eagle Service Projects, are now available in Internet Advancement.

How does this affect Scoutbook?
You now record all activities in Internet Advancement. All Scoutbook camping, hiking, and camping logs have been moved to the new system. In Scoutbook, when you click on a Scout’s activity log, you will now be directed to Internet Advancement to enter activities.

  • You can also go directly to Internet Advancement directly to enter activities.
  • Scoutbook users will record all future activities in the new system.
  • Scoutbook users that record Advancement in Scoutbook should continue to record Advancement in Scoutbook, not Internet Advancement.

Tutorial for Recording Service Hours

Questions? Please contact Scouter Services at 402.431.9BSA (402.431.9272).

Adopt-A-School Program

Scouting America’s Adopt a School program is a way for youth to give back to their elementary schools. Each quarter, the boys and their leaders conduct a service project benefiting their school. These projects are based on the needs of the school, which may consist of grounds beautification, building improvements, teacher appreciation, clean-up before or after school events, and help during festivals/carnivals. Read More

Adopt-A-Lot Volunteers Needed

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha has been building affordable housing for low income families since 1984. With more than 100 house sites waiting for families to arrive, Habitat for Humanity of Omaha has a lot of land to care for. We’re asking for your help to make sure these properties look shipshape all year long. Read More

Community Service Opportunities

Omaha Metro specific community opportunities can be found here.

The following are a few organizations or resources:

If you are a non-profit organization seeking volunteers and would like to be added to our Service Opportunities list, please 402.431.9BSA (402.431.9272).